Friday, 6 March 2009

Life with Domestic Gods and Goddess

Six days in and the house has really become home for us all. It's great to have a place of our own, our own rooms, a kitchen we don't share with 100 others and our own space. We have lovely neighbours who have been really helpful, and have given us all the numbers we need to get water/gas/cable set up so we don't lose power in about a week. Generally, we all feel massively lucky with this place - loads of space, the veranda is great and we can leave the front door open to let the outside in and make it feel even more roomy, and a lovely quiet, safe location that's minutes from shops, buses and easy access to downtown.

Buying food seems to be an almost daily occurence though! I have new found sympathy for my parents when they have a full house of five adults to feed on the rare occasions we're all home. But we've got a loosely everyone buys and everyone eats system, and we all pitch in with cooking. Loic is especially good in the kitchen, having whipped up iles flottantes with home-made caramel and creme anglaise this afternoon!

We also seem to be a very handy household - fixing things, moving furniture to more useful places, painting, making the most of space, it's all good.

Life is settling. We're starting work, last night we saw some friends from the hostel, and I've already met up with Caro, a friend who was in Toronto and has arrived here til the summer. We're also planning our first party, a joint celebration for Loic and Sophie's birthdays (Sophie is a friend from the hostel), St Patrick's day (for the Irish contingent!) and our housewarming! Also it's the day Q arrives, so we can throw a welcome to Canada element in there too.

On the job front, I had a day's training at ECO Outdoor sports yesterday. It was very thorough, a little tiring, but I was impressed overall. It feels like a really friendly, cool company to work for. Am slightly daunted by the pressure of sales targets but I'm sure it will be OK and easier than I think it is.

Well, I'm going to head indoors as my fingers are starting to freeze up and off to the cinema in a bit with Sophie to see Slumdog Millionaire. Check out Facebook for those of you who are on it for photos and video tour of the house! And we've got tons of room, so visitors welcome any time!

Bye for now xxx

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