Wednesday, 21 January 2009

How not to hostel

Book in the largest, fullest dorm room and complain about the lack of wardrobe/hanging space.

Complain (whilst still up and dressed herself) that at 1am, in a youth hostel in the country's largest city, people are still up and about and not going to sleep. And that yours truly has the light on (I know rooting around in a bag in the dark is the more sensible option, but hey, I was feeling crazy).

Get offended when people ask you where in Ireland you're from when you've spent the last 15 mins ranting about the lack of facilities in a strong Irish accent.

That's right - the latest addition to Room 10 is a very cranky middle-aged woman from, yup, Ireland (we never established any more detail than that) who clearly didn't know what she let herself in for. Certainly she's not one of those folk blessed with that cheery "get down and get on with people" disposition, which, when hostelling, ranks as one of the more vital strings in your bow.

Anyway, the sheer ridiculousness of the situation, not to mention hilarity - nothing funnier than a situation when laughing would go down like a ton of bricks, or maybe the prospect of a mixed-sex dorm (the horror) - meant that I felt compelled to log on and share with you lovely folks.

Apparently Mrs Whine is possibly staying 2 nights. We're all certain she'll be gone in 24 hrs. That'll free up some valuable floor storage space at least :-)

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